Life Of a Model

In the world of fashion and beauty, the life of a model often appears glamorous and enviable from the outside. The spotlight, the runway, the allure of designer clothes – it all seems like a dream come true. Yet, behind this facade lies a reality far more nuanced and challenging. 

Picture this: the alarm blares at 4 in the morning, breaking the silence of dawn. For many models, this early rise is routine, a necessary sacrifice for their passion. They endure grueling hours of fittings, rehearsals, and photo shoots, all while maintaining an image of poise and perfection. But what the cameras do not capture are the moments of vulnerability, the tears shed in the quiet solitude of a bathroom stall. Before stepping back in front of the lens, there are moments of doubt, of insecurity, of fear. The pressure to embody an ideal of beauty, to meet the expectations of others, can weigh heavy on the soul. 

The life of a model is a constant balancing act between confidence and self-doubt, between the glamorous facade and the raw reality beneath. It requires resilience, determination, and a thick skin to navigate an industry where rejection is commonplace, and criticism is constant. Pavani Jain, a 19-year-old model based in Delhi signed with the agency Purple Thoughts shares her experience on modelling till now, “being a newcomer through an agency while I was freelancing for a year, my experience has been changing from head to toe. They don’t view you as humans, you are just a subject for them.’’ and when asked for advice for newcomers she replied ‘’Just believe in yourself and never let their words get to you, to maintain both physical and mental health while having a busy schedule is quite difficult but very necessary, yoga and some cardio does the work.’’ 

‘’A personal experience where I realized it takes just more than a pretty-faced human to be a model is when I went for fittings for a show for Lakme Fashion Week 2023 and got brutally shouted on because of standing somewhere else than where I supposed to be, which pardon me I had no idea about. It was quite embarrassing but more like a test on how I should handle these kinds of situations. I remember my manager preparing me for the fittings telling beforehand to NOT end up shedding a single tear no matter what, I think that prepared me a lot and that is why it is especially important for one to have a mentor or a good agency as a newcomer.’’ 

Yet, amidst the challenges and uncertainties, there is also beauty to be found. There is the thrill of walking the runway, the excitement of seeing your face in a magazine, the camaraderie shared with fellow models backstage. There are moments of triumph, of empowerment, of sheer joy in doing what you love. Behind the glamour and the glitz lies a journey of sacrifice, of perseverance, and of unyielding passion. The life of a model may be filled with highs and lows, but through it all, they continue to chase their dreams, one runway at a time. 

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