
About the Blog

This blog wasn’t exactly planned. It was born out of a night fueled by reruns of “Sex and the City” and questionable amounts of popcorn. We realized that life is basically a mashup of our favorite rom-coms, the latest fashion trends, and the hilarious (and sometimes messy) situations we get ourselves into. So, here we are, spilling the beans on everything that makes life a vibrant adventure! Think of it as your daily dose of caffeine, fashion inspiration, and a reminder that life is way too short to take it too seriously (unless we’re talking about the perfect winged eyeliner, then by all means, be serious!).


  • Backpack Beats and Boho Threads

    by Catalina Sainz Hey there! I wouldn’t call myself a professional by any means, but music has always been my creative outlet. Whether it’s playing my synthesiser on a beach somewhere (because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love travelling?) or tinkering with beats on my laptop, it’s the way I express myself. Fashion’s another passion.…

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  • 5 Feet Apart (Movie Review)

    Five Feet Apart features Cole Sprouse and Haley Lu Richardson as Will and Stella, adolescents grappling with cystic fibrosis. The film offers an emotional narrative centered on their illness, which mandates a six-foot separation to prevent cross-contamination and infection. Despite its familiar premise, the movie delves deeper, presenting a poignant story.  Initially, I anticipated it…

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  • Life Of a Model

    In the world of fashion and beauty, the life of a model often appears glamorous and enviable from the outside. The spotlight, the runway, the allure of designer clothes – it all seems like a dream come true. Yet, behind this facade lies a reality far more nuanced and challenging.  Picture this: the alarm blares…

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