5 Feet Apart (Movie Review)

Five Feet Apart features Cole Sprouse and Haley Lu Richardson as Will and Stella, adolescents grappling with cystic fibrosis. The film offers an emotional narrative centered on their illness, which mandates a six-foot separation to prevent cross-contamination and infection. Despite its familiar premise, the movie delves deeper, presenting a poignant story. 

Initially, I anticipated it would mimic The Fault in Our Stars. However, it surpassed expectations by exploring the psychological impact of cystic fibrosis on the characters. This theme resonates throughout the film, despite the formulaic plot. 

Sprouse, known for Riverdale, and Richardson, recognized for The Edge of Seventeen, bring exceptional charm to their roles. Their portrayals effectively convey the struggles of cystic fibrosis patients, and their chemistry is palpable. Both actors approach their characters with depth, elevating the film. 

While it includes typical elements of a teen love story, it introduces unique twists. My primary critique is the inconsistent pacing, which improves after the first act. Despite minor flaws, the film’s core message remains intact, highlighting the characters’ resilience. 

Richardson’s portrayal of Stella reveals her challenges, emphasizing that illness is not their sole battle. The film poignantly illustrates life-threatening conditions are not always the immediate threat. It evokes strong emotions, making viewers feel invested in Stella and Will’s relationship. 

After a slow start, the film gains momentum, effectively developing their connection. Even when the narrative rushes through their relationship, their interactions remain authentic. As severely ill teenagers, their urgency is understandable. 

Ultimately, this movie aims to create a unique story within a familiar framework. Thanks to Sprouse and Richardson’s outstanding performances, the film delivers compelling interactions. It reminds us to cherish the present, emphasizing life’s unpredictability necessitates living now. The blend of friendship and love underscores this timeless message beautifully.

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