How’s that? 

The Indian cricket team. A name synonymous with lifting the World Cup, dispatching unplayable yorkers at the death, and electrifying crowds with outrageous sixes that sail over the long-on. But underneath the blinding floodlights of international matches lies a hidden world. A world where aspiring cricketers face the relentless grind of the turning pitch, the …

Scroll, Like, Witness

Welcome to the age of social media micro-fame, where virality can strike faster than a double-tap. Forget the red carpets of Bollywood; the path to internet stardom is paved with relatable content and a sprinkle of audacious creativity. Imagine your uncle, breaking the internet with his gloriously off-key rendition of a Punjabi rap song. Or …

Concept to Creation

Every February, New Delhi transforms into a vibrant hub for design enthusiasts as India Design ID unfolds. This is one of the most prestigious events, also known as the country's best design week. Providing a platform for creative expression, it promises to shape the design trends of tomorrow. Over four days, from 15th-18th February, …

Beyond the Runway

Working backstage at a fashion show might sound like a dream come true – access to stunning clothes, the buzz of a major event, and the chance to rub shoulders with the industry's elite. However, the reality takes a quick 180 degree turn in no time. Rimzim Dadu backstage in Gurgaon. Photo Credits: Ankita Singh …

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