
Embracing Imperfection

A journey of self-love through generational healing.

Shadows of Love

Between all the Snapchat filters and Instagram reels, where does the love for our own self stand in this century?

Ghee Shakkar

Nothing I’ve done so far has gotten through, so I thought I’d try something new: write about the one love I lost. Your absence walks through the door every single day- Neelam Kheterpal, lovingly known as ‘bebe’, was the epitome of love, and the heart that beats at the centre of my family. A part of me will always wonder why, you were just 16 but here’s to a lifetime of remembering you.

How Emotions Affect the Way Dress

Our closets are a treasure trove of emotions waiting to be unraveled. The clothes we choose aren’t just about covering our bodies; they’re a silent language expressing our inner world.

Dear Sir/Ma’am

This reel isn’t just us poking fun. It’s a love letter in laughter. We’ve mimicked their mannerisms because they’ve become a comforting constant in the academic chaos. We’ve captured their iconic sayings because they’ve become mottos for our journey.

Backpack Beats and Boho Threads

Travel, fashion and music. Could anybody ask for more?

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