Backpack Beats and Boho Threads

by Catalina Sainz Hey there! I wouldn't call myself a professional by any means, but music has always been my creative outlet. Whether it's playing my synthesiser on a beach somewhere (because, let's be honest, who doesn't love travelling?) or tinkering with beats on my laptop, it's the way I express myself. Fashion's another passion. …

Hill-Top? More like Down-Hill

The moniker Hill-Top Goa conjures up images of pulsating trance music, colourful locals, and countless evenings spent dancing beneath the sky. EDM fans from all over the world travel to this event venue because of its distinctive palm trees, vibrant tapestries, and the captivating beats of well-known DJs. But underneath the surface of happiness and …

Shadows of Love

Between all the Snapchat filters and Instagram reels, where does the love for our own self stand in this century? By Catalina Sainz Constantly, I am reminded of my own shortcomings by the flood of images that bombard me as I scroll through my feed. The world as seen through the prism of social media is …

The Ambulant Castle

Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli’s  "Howl's Moving Castle" present to us a film containing a curse, a world at war, and an exceptionally gifted wizard. Throughout it, we learn about the importance of self-love and selflessness, and how it can be used to strengthen not only our lives, but the ones' around us. By Catalina Sainz Following …

Angel by the wings

Advocates for its resuscitation, Blumarine creative director Nicola Brognano appears to be able to uncover new ways each season to offer a window of creativity and uniqueness to the fashion industry, leaving us speechless, once again. By Catalina Sainz Every collection that Nicola Brognano curates has a distinct concept, so we can always count on …

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