Dear Sir/Ma’am

Remember those nervous first days of college? New faces, a whirlwind of information, and professors who seemed like mythical creatures? Well, guess what? We’ve cracked the code. We know their quirks, their favorite phrases, even the way they adjust their glasses when they’re about to drop a knowledge bomb.

This reel isn’t just us poking fun. It’s a love letter in laughter. We’ve mimicked their mannerisms because they’ve become a comforting constant in the academic chaos. We’ve captured their iconic sayings because they’ve become mottos for our journey.

Sure, there might be a slight exaggeration of Asheesh Sir’s trip to the lights or a playful dramatization of Asmita Ma’am’s  inspirational pep talks 😉 But isn’t that what love does? It allows you to see the endearing details, the little things that make them, well, them.

So, dear teachers, when you see yourselves on screen, don’t mistake our playful jabs for disrespect. See it as a tribute, a testament to the impact you’ve had. We wouldn’t be making this reel if your lectures weren’t legendary, your passion infectious. This is our way of saying, thank you for planting the seeds of knowledge that have blossomed in our minds, even if we sometimes water them with a touch of humor.

So grab some tissues (because laughter can be surprisingly emotional), and get ready to see yourselves through our loving, slightly mischievous eyes. We can’t wait to share this (mostly) affectionate tribute with the world!

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