Art O’clock 

Stepping into the vibrant realm of the Indian Art Fair in 2024 felt like embarking on an enchanting journey into the unknown. As someone new to the art world, the excitement mingled with a tinge of nervousness, unsure of what to expect. Little did I know that this journey would uncover a canvas of creativity, reshaping how I saw art.

Among the many artworks, Rohan Joglekar’s “The Void” caught my eye. The painting was like a lone star in the sky, pulling me in. The Void seemed to talk about our shift to a global society. The painting posed a compelling question: how do we choose to fill the gaps left in our shared human narrative? The Void became a metaphor for the unexplored, the undefined. In deciphering the layers of “Void,” I discovered a dance of colours and shapes that seemed to mirror the complexities of our interconnected world. The deliberate gaps in the canvas were spaces left for interpretation, encouraging viewers to engage in a dialogue with the artwork. It was an invitation to introspect and contemplate the myriad ways we choose to fill the voids in our own lives and the collective human tapestry.

Another artwork, Vikram Goyal’s “Silken Passage,” told a different story. It was a graceful dance of the past and present coming together, making me think about how things can be temporary yet connected. Amidst the artistry, the allure of the food trucks was an unexpected delight. Someone had tipped me off about the delectable offerings, and truth be told, it may or may not have played a role in luring me to the fair in the first place. As I savoured the culinary delights, a global journey on a plate with steaming bowls of pasta, delicate dim sum parcels, scoops of creamy ice cream, and a refreshing selection of non-alcoholic drinks; the vibrant flavours seemed to echo the diversity of the art around me, creating an immersive experience for both the palate and the soul.

The vibe was just right – a mix of calming colours and pleasing details. The art fair wasn’t just a bunch of paintings; it was a peaceful place for the soul, where the noise of the outside world faded away.

Photo credits: Khushi Kheterpal

As the sun went down, casting a warm glow on everything, I realized it was like a silent conversation between the paintings and my growing love for the impact of art on people. The confusion when I first walked in turned into a wholesome experience.

As I wandered through the stalls, it hit me – every painting had different meanings for different people. It was like a big puzzle with everyone having their unique pieces. The fair was not just about art; it was a meeting ground for different perspectives and ideas.

In this artistic haven, I realized that being new was not a barrier but an invitation to learn. The calming ambience, the intriguing paintings, and the lively atmosphere made me feel like a kid in a candy store, eager to unwrap every piece.

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